Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Watership Down

Recently I finished the book Watership Down. It is a great book and I highly recommend reading it. It's the best book I've ever read and I was upset when I got to the end! I hate that sad feeling when I get done with a good book. I get to feel like I'm in the story and that I actually know the characters!! Oh well, I started the Lord of the Rings trilogy and those books will last me a while.


Anonymous said...

Hannah, that was my favorite book too until I read Where the Red Fern Grows,and then that ripped my heart out. A good book can pull out the emotions we feel in real life so well. Don't worry, feeling that deeply means that you're alive.

Margaret said...

Hannah, I read Watership Down (then I think both Jer and Matt did) and it was great! The movie was hard to understand though if you didn't read the book. Have you seen the movie? Love, Grandma