Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Just Thinking

I have been learning about medieval times in school. I have been singing songs written by, and about people in those times and I am reading books about that time period. I am reading Ivanhoe, The Once and Future King, and The Age of Chivalry. I hope there are more books I can read during the rest of my school year about that age! I think it would be cool to be a royal person back then. Having fireplaces scattered throughout my castle, Riding horses whenever I wanted to, wearing pretty clothes, going to jousts! Oh well, instead I get stuck 800 years later. (sigh)


Anonymous said...

Great blog here, Hannah. I'd love to join you in traveling back in time - intricately braided hair & gallant horses! Though I must say, I'm happy to do without the waist-cinching corsets. *ahem* ;)

I'll be seeing you around ~ P

Anonymous said...

i love the new look! i know what you mean about the medieval times. have you read gilbert morris' books, "the wakefield dynasty" yet? i started reading them when i was your age... i think you would LOVE LOVE LOVE them. ask your mom about them. she used to be a huge fan of gilbert morris....
LOVE YOU! i have a gift for you Moore girls that i will be sending your way soon.

love you!

Anonymous said...

I would woop all those knights at the joust for you HannieB.